10 days after finishing my degree


27th May 2016 –  its 01:38am and I just finished stalking this girl who always inspires me with  all her social media posts, whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook or her blog. So here I am feeling inspired to write but have no idea what to write about. I am just going to write about my thoughts 10 days after finishing my degree at 21 in English, Media and communications. I’m still not sure what career path I want to follow. Is that normal? I’m not sure. It’s very weird for me because I’m a stress head that likes a plan to follow. I don’t like not knowing what to do next.  These 10  days have left me with huge breakouts all over my face; It may be my body reacting to the sudden and unusual relaxed, stress-free mind or it may be that I’m subconsciously slightly stressed because I’m still really confused on what to take on next.

Teaching has always been a passion of mine. I’ve always admired my teachers growing up especially the ones who took the time out to understand me and show that they care about my interests or hitches; whether it was my full on obsession and endless rambles about Tracy beaker at 10 years old or dealing with my spontaneous hyper hormones (who have left me in quite a bit of trouble before) at 13-16. As far as I can remember they were the ones who I aspire to be like. I want to be that teacher that children feel calm and chill around; the teacher that they can casually come and chat to. I want them to know that my main focus is for them to do well and prosper. I want to be that teacher that will go out of my way whenever a student is in need just so I can help them achieve their full potential. I want children to feel impelled in what I teach them in my lessons and not make them feel like it’s just another boring class with a bitter teacher trying to get her job done. I know there will be ups and downs and these are just my hopes but I want to strive and give my all into encouraging children to be inspired to want to do well.

Decisions! Making decisions as an indecisive person is like getting blood out of a stone – impossible. I don’t know whether to take on primary or secondary school teaching. They both have their ups and downs. Also, having a degree in both English and Media has left me with quite a challenging choice of what I want to teach; if I decide to choose secondary school I will need to make a choice between the two. Choosing to teach English will mean having so many opportunities and job choices to take on but I also imagine it would be quite a challenge to make lessons interesting especially for students who have zero interest in the subject – not sure if I want to take up this challenge or not (told you I’m indecisive). With Media, there are so many creative ideas to take up and I find it a lot more interesting than English. So who knows what choice I will make after my 6 month placement in Italy (which I am so excited about). To take on primary or to choose either English or Media if I take on secondary. Or if I even decide to take on teaching straight away .. I still have an option of doing a masters.

-late night thoughts ramble

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